& development
We bring commerciality to architecture and mutuality to development
Our design philosophy pays equal attention to the macro and the micro. We don’t look at our site as a self-contained parcel, but set it the wider context of the street and the neighbourhood.
We want our buildings not only to serve the inhabitants, but also to uplift the whole streetscape and to benefit everyone in the neighbourhood. At the other side of the spectrum, we are very focused on the details which make a home outstanding. Many of the details in our construction techniques will never be visible, but will lead to greater lifespan, better energy efficiency, soundproofing etc.
Others are visible design flourishes which will delight the occupants, be it the way natural light is brought inside, the way the outside and inside space connects or the exquisite landscaping of the site.
Site & Project Criteria
We believe that strong financial returns can be delivered while delivering the highest quality of living and environmental standards.

We sift through hundreds of potential sites until we find opportunities which can create value economically, socially and environmentally. Our design philosophy pays attention to both the macro and the micro.
We pursue a range of projects across different uses and scales. Many of our projects are purely residential. This could be as simple as a single unit - either a restoration or extension of an existing home, or a new build.
We also seek out multi-unit projects on larger parcels. Co-living is of particular interest to us - we see it is an innovative model to address our housing crisis. Shared communal spaces make spacious living affordable despite the high cost of land. Nobody wants to live in a rabbit hutch.
We are also interested in mixed use developments, such as schemes with residential units on upper floors and spaces serving the community on the street level. These could be small independent businesses, retail/hospitality outlets or maker spaces.
Our aim would be for such a site to serve to energise a neighbourhood and showcase the talents of local people. We are against the homogenisation of the high street.
We are open to many types of site - delapidations, change of use, infill or undeveloped land. We also look in both urban locations and commuter settlements.

We actively seek investor partners who can bring capital to our projects. We are open to a range of different deal structures and believe that one of the great facets of property development is the scope to design each deal according to the context and the needs of the parties involved.
We see a sea-change in investor attitudes, with more and more asking about the ethics and the impact of how their money is used. We celebrate - and encourage - this trend.
Our three lenses of the economic, social and environmental mean that by investing in LOKI projects, our partners make market-leading returns but with the satisfaction of knowing that they have used their capital for the benefit of our society.
While we recognise that every deal is unique, primarily we are looking for two kinds of investor:
1. Investors looking for a low-risk, fixed return.
Here an investor puts an agreed amount of capital into a project over an agreed timeframe. Such investors would typically have first claim over the assets in the project vehicle, and as such would take on a very low capital risk.
2. Joint Venture partners.
Such a partner would take an equity stake in the investment vehicle for a specific project and share in the profits based on the capital contributed and/or time and skills contributed.
In both cases our aim is forge long term collaborations with trusted partners.

At LOKI we believe in having skin in the game and put a substantial amount of our own capital into many of our deals.
Through capital collaboration with our investors and joint venture partners, we develop flexible financial models that are bespoke to each project we do.
Our belief is that when we put our money where our mouth is, investors will have greater trust in putting their hard-earned capital into our deals.
More of our work
hybrid co-living

Adaptive reuse of 2 buildings incorporating Co-Living (Family + 1-2 bed) with integrated social, communal, working & leisure space.
development site

Transformation of a dilapidated house into a 4 bed house + infill development of the large under-utilised land to the rear into a second house
eco renovation
& extension

polished concrete floor

Complete eco-renovation and rear extension of 1916 period cottage in a conservation area in Buckinghamshire.

Primary School and Sports hall in Biel, Switzerland, Competition awarded First Prize. Completed whilst at BGM Architekten, Basel.

Public Space Can Make Architecture Better. Architecture Can Make Public Space Better.

Retrofit and Adaptation of a 1960s office block into into a civic centre, library, government offices and public space

By elevating the parking the street level is returned to the city (retail + manufacturing) , whilst the roof is used for recreation & sport

Want to get involved? We are keen to connect with a range of possible partners.
types of
- Potential investors
- Joint Venture partners
- Owners of sites
- Construction specialists
- People with a project of their own looking for a design or equity partner to come on board
- Visionary Developers
Whether you are someone who wants to work with us, wean our expertise or just want to find out more about what we do, please don't hesitate to write. We welcome questions and queries big and small!